Providing You With the Tools You Need
Laws and regulations are constantly changing, so keeping up on it all can be overwhelming. To ease some of the burden for KACo members, we have partnered with some industry-leading resources to help along the way. Whether you need guidance on health care reform, COBRA, FMLA, or compliance obligations, these solutions are here to give you extra support when you need it.
Compliance Dashboard provides Benefits Compliance Software that helps employers comply with the federal laws that govern health and welfare plans. Compliance Dashboard stands ready to incorporate all new regulations that arise from health care reform into the same user-friendly web technology that is currently used by thousands of employers to fulfill their compliance obligations.
Zywave puts HR and Benefits Compliance tools at your fingertips to help you achieve successful employee management. Zywave offers an award-winning library that includes comprehensive online resources such as HR tools, forms, news/updates, posters, and video training. You’ll also find up-to-date information on state employment laws.
Businessolver offers a suite of benefits technology tools that help you better manage the complexities of your benefits program, while helping your employees and their families make wiser and more supportive benefit choices. Their solutions are designed to help you be more efficient, so you can focus limited resources more effectively.